Love Nature


It is best if you viewed ALL the videos in each of the sections BEFORE visiting your PTC healthcare provider.

After watching all the videos in this section, you may complete this TPT FORM or the full Pain Truth WORKBOOK, either on your own or ideally with guidance from a PTC healthcare provider.

Some of the videos require your active participation which includes writing.

You may choose to write either on a blank piece of paper or on the link below that you may choose to print.

Acute stress is often good as it helps us grow, but if you deal with a lot of continuous stress everyday for months or years, then the stress can become just too much and lead to both emotional and physical health issues.


I want to take a few minutes to explain in simple terms how chronic stress can contribute to maintaining physical pain and most importantly what we can do about it. I want to specifically focus on the endogenous opioids system, which is a term I assume most non-medical people aren’t yet familiar with.